General Option

Layout: You can choose your container type for the product list as:

  • Default

  • Fluid container

  • Full width

Thumbnails position: you can choose one of the config

Enable sticky product information on large screens checkbox: Tick on this checkbox to enable sticky product information on large screens.

Enable image zoom: Tick on this checkbox to enable show a popup when clicking on the image.

Enable video looping: Tick on this checkbox to enable video looping (when your product media has a video).

Thumbnails on mobile: Tick ​​this checkbox to choose how to display thumbnails on mobile devices.

Color swatch: This option allows you to choose the display style, the size

Show product bought together: This option will show product bought together. You can change it please click Products -> Select product that you want to change -> Metafields -> sellect Product Bought Together

Sticky add to cart: This option allows you to display the sticky add to cart

Sticky mode: You can choose a mode for the Sticky Add To Cart button here. We have 2 modes: Only visible desktop and Visbile on desktop, mobile

Last updated