Translate theme

How to translate your theme?

1. Single Language

To translate your theme to another language, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Change your current Published languages

Go to Settings -> Languages -> Change default to change your current Published languages. For example, I will translate the button Subscribe to French

Step 2: Update default theme content

Go to Online Store -> Themes -> Edit default theme content

Step 3: Translate the theme

You can translate manually for each content.

2. Multi-language

To sell in multiple languages, you need to setup your store with some requirements below:

  • Geolocation app by Shopify

  • Translate & Adapt app by Shopify

  • A theme that's compatible with selling in multi-languages. (Umino theme is compatible with selling in multiple languages.)

Step 1: Install the Geolocation app and Translate & Adapt app by Shopify

Step 2: Add Market

  • Go to Settings -> Market -> Add market to add a new Market

Step 3: Add Language

  • Go to Settings -> Languages -> Add a language to add a new language for your new market

  • Publish this language

Step 4: Back to Market and add new language to your new market

  • Go to Settings -> Market

  • Click to Manage -> Domain and languages of your Primary market and tick to the new language you have just added.

  • Save your configuration and click to Install Translate & Adapt

Step 5: Auto translate theme with Translate & Adapt app

  • Open Translate & Adapt app, click to Auto-translate

  • It might take about 10 minutes. After translating, back to your store and you can see the result

Please follow this video for more information

Last updated