How to update color schemes?

Note important: This is a new color setting that will delete all current color settings. Therefore, when updating, you will need to reconfigure all color settings that you have set up in previous versions.

Color schemes: Craft distinct color schemes for various sections across your online store. A scheme is a collection of colors. Your theme comes with predefined schemes that you can modify in the editor. Embed your brand colors for a consistent palette throughout your store

Please follow these steps if you wish to update the color scheme settings.

1. Download the latest version of Umino Shopify theme from Themeforest.

2. Go to the theme package folder. Open folder themes

2.1. Starting from version Umino 2.0.1, all homepages will use the color scheme. You can read more in the changelogs

2.2. From your admin, click to Online store ==> Themes ==> Add theme ==> Upload zip file

3. Setup color schemes

- In the theme editor (Customize)-> Theme settings -> Color


  • You can add schemes according to the quantity you want without any limitations for adding schemes.

  • The color options within the color scheme will still be kept according to the previous versions. Please follow the link to understand the purpose of these color options.

  • When you don't add a scheme, the default settings of the sections and blocks will be set to Scheme 1.

4. Setup color scheme in sections and blocks


  • When you update the theme color scheme, we have changed the color settings of the sections and blocks to the form of selecting a color scheme in the theme settings.

  • You can choose the color scheme you want, and the colors of sections and blocks will be configured according to the color settings of that color scheme

Last updated