Update Umino Manually

Step by step update manually

1. Download the latest version

Please download the latest version of Umino Shopify theme from Themeforest.

2. Upload new version of Umino to your store

3. Move the theme configuration current theme to new version

To transfer your theme's configuration:

Step 1: Open your current theme, navigate to "Theme actions" -> "Edit code". Access and copy the entire code from the settings_data.json file.

Step 2: Paste this code into the corresponding file in your new theme.

Step 3: Repeat the process for the index.json file.

Step 4: Additionally, copy all .json files marked with a green dot in the Templates folder, indicating they've been modified, and paste them into the new theme. This ensures settings and data for products, collections, blogs, etc., are transferred to the new theme.

4. Move the translation file

If your store supports Multilingual Languages and you configured the translation files. You can copy it to the new store, please follow the steps below.

Step 1: In the old theme version, navigate to "Edit code", open the "Locales" folder, and copy the contents of your current language file.

Step 2: In the new theme, go back to "Edit code", access the "Locales" folder, and Create a new locale using the language you copied. Paste the copied content into this new locale file.

5. Move custom templates

If you have some extra templates like: product template, collection template, etc... (NOT the 'Default template') that you created in the old theme before.

For example, if you have a custom product template, please follow steps:

  • From the old version > find the template file and open it

  • From the new version > go to Edit code > 'Templates' folder > create a new template with the same type and file name as your old template. (Choose JSON type)

  • Copy template code from the old version to the new one > SAVE

You can follow the video below, it is an example of 'Product template'. But it will be similar to other templates too.

Last updated